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Showing posts from 2022

Just a Christmas "Howdy"

 A simple wish for the holiday. A blank postcard this time. Made in the U.S.A. No date. Some gold foil ink. No sure why images that look like Holland are married with a greeting like "Howdy"? 

Ehrwald, Austria: Hats Off to Pensions, Borders in the Air

Today’s postcard is from Ehrwald, Austria. February 19, 1958. It says: “ Dear Phil & Charlotte, Enjoying a skiing and sight-seeing holiday in Western Austria. The kids are enjoying the snow, we had so little of it in France. Our Pension is called Daheim, and it is like a ski lodge and much cheaper than staying at a hotel. Expect to go up to the top of Germany’s highest mountain on a cable car soon and intend to go to Innsbruck tomorrow. Took some ski lessons from a read Austrian ski champ but I still get stiff & sore. Must be getting old! Best Regards from Austria, Ted & Mildred.” Hard to know who wrote it and who is stiff, Ted or Mildred, as in 1958 women might have written correspondence but signed husband’s name first. (As it is also addressed to a couple, man’s name first.) This is pre-Air BnB era, so I am interested in the idea of a Pension being cheaper than a hotel. Apparently, from Fodor’s Travel, I learn that a pensione (spelt correctly with an e on the end i...

Yes, We Have No Bananas - UPDATE: Mystery Solved

 By MJ Malleck// Update: Mystery Solved Thanks to an anonymous friend, the mystery of the secret code is revealed. Here's what the postcard writer wrote: "Well, what do you know all the way from New Orleans and in semaphore. We are fine and hope you are too."  The key to unlocking the code came from his knowledge that, in English, the only double letters at the end of words are ll or ss. Seemed likely that the 3-letter word (sixth word in) must be ill or all. The symbol used for the second letter in the first word is used twice as much as any other symbol, so almost certainly an E, the most common English letter. (My friend plays Scrabble too.) Making the first word, Well.  After an hour, he had it. For those who don't know what semaphore means (I did not) it is a method of visual signaling, using flags or lights. The Chappe-Code I mention in the original post, was an kind of signaling using towers with moveable arms. The Boy Scouts used to teach the two-flag system...

Two Innovators in Lucerne: Eduard and Franz

by MJ Malleck// Today I’ve pulled a blank souvenir postcard depicting the town of Lucerne and Mount Pilatus in the distance. The town of Lucerne sits on the fourth largest lake in Switzerland, near to Mt. Pilatus, where legend says a dragon once lived. Perhaps the visitors took the 4,618-meter-long cogwheel railway from Alpnachstad (a village close to Lucerne by train) to the mountain peak. With a gradient of 48% (meaning it gains 48 feet in elevation for every 100 feet forward, disregarding the incline) it is the steepest cogwheel railway in the world. When engineer Eduard Locher suggested putting a railway on Mount Pilatus he was mocked, but his masterpiece was exhibited at the 1889 World Fair in Paris and is still in use today. He cleverly devised his system using two horizontally rotating cogwheels. Most of these systems (also called rack railway, or rack-and-pinion) put the toothed rail underneath the train, between the running rails. On flat surfaces, friction is enough.   ...

Azaleas to thank you; weeds in New York City

 by MJ Malleck  Today’s postcard is more of a Thank You card, sent from Owen Sound, Ontario to General Delivery in Kincardine, Ontario. The writer dates it “Thursday” and the postmark is unclear, but stamps in Canada were 8 cents in 1972. Thursday, June 22, 1972, is my guess. Kincardine is a beach town, and cottagers would be there by the end of June, although Lake Huron might not be warm enough to swim in. “Hi. Many thanks for the help on Sunday – what a day! I stayed up on Monday and finally got the oven cleaned. Do you want me to order up your draperies yet? Love. C. “ Owen Sound is north of Kincardine, on Georgian Bay. If the writer “stayed up” somewhere, they perhaps have a cottage north of Owen Sound, perhaps in Tobermory or even further. Their friend would understand the work involved in opening and closing a summer place. Only a fellow cottager would offer to help get a place ready. Does C sew and make drapes for her friends? The illustration on the card are flow...

Ronda: Bullfights, Spanish heat, new Kings

 by MJ Malleck//  San Pedro – July 1 Dear Charlotte: We have just come back from Ronda – out 45 minutes up the mountain – fascinating – but very very hot today – so swim was very welcome. We flew to Madrid & stopped at Toledo and Granada on the way here. Our task here is to plan the new bit of garden. Love Betty See you in August. Some mystery here – what is this planning of a new garden the author speaks of? And who is the other part of the “we,” since only Betty has signed. It could be, that on holiday, Betty and her companion(s) are discussing flowers and gardens to be put in back at home. Or perhaps it’s not a holiday but a paid trip to do some official gardening in Spain. I guess we will never know. The photograph is of a famous landmark, the Arc of Felipe V found on Royal Street in the town of Ronda, in the Spanish province of Malaga. This is part of the Andalusia region of Spain. About 35,000 people now live in Ronda, and it is known for its cliff-side locat...

London 1977: Gentlemen, Photographers and Queens

MJ Malleck// I love the message in today’s postcard, it is addressed to “Betty & Kay,” and it feels a bit like a boast to one’s girlfriends, who you know will be delighted for your good fortune. Se ptember 29, 1977 Dear Girls: Two weeks in London! A gentleman friend to dine and go to the theatre with! (We do share the costs of dinners and most theatres) But it has been fun. To Norway on Sunday. Love Dorothy L. The phrase gentleman friend means suitor, or beau, or male lover. There is a short story by the Anton Chekhov called A Gentleman Friend which you can read here…. Perhaps Dorothy and her “gentleman friend” went to see Jesus Christ Superstar at the Palace Theatre. While many religious groups spoke against the play, especially as like Godspell it did not depict the crucifixion, it seems that Dorothy was a thoroughly modern girl. She pays her own way! So, she may have wanted to see JC...

Rome 1959: Fascist Architecture, Barefoot Running and Not Really Heatstroke

 by MJ Malleck// Today’s postcard is written is a scrawling script, that in another generation, when cursive is no longer taught, will be hard to decipher. I got most of it, but I’m not sure what the one word at the top of the postcard says. (Not Saturday, May 10 in 1959 was a Sunday). Hazel smartly printed the mailing address. Rome, May 10 This is the best and we do so hope you two will be able to go with us next year. fine food. good hotels and lots of fun, and art. Love Hazel & Morty. The photo is a black and white of what looks like a football stadium. It says Roma Stadio Olympico. (On the other side, Olympic Stadium (English), Stade Olympique (French) Olympisches Stadium (German) The stamp was 35 Lires. I was curious why anyone would send a postcard of a sports stadium, from the city that holds the Coliseum and so many ancient wonders. Then I discovered that this stadium was part of the 1960 Summer Olympic Games, which Rome hosted. So, Hazel and Morty sound like they a...

For Pete's Sake, Don't Swim with the Dolphins

 by MJ Malleck//  Today’s postcard is from St. Petersburg, Florida in March 1973. Today’s postcard is from St. Petersburg, Florida in March 1973.  “Wednesday. Dear Friends, Here we are and enjoying every minute. Thanks very much for your lovely note, also, congratulations on your new grandchild. We know how proud it makes one feel. See you soon, Love Wilf and Lauretta.”  “Wednesday. Dear Friends, Here we are and enjoying every minute. Thanks very much for your lovely note, also, congratulations on your new grandchild. We know how proud it makes one feel. See you soon, Love Wilf and Lauretta.” The note is written sideways for more space since the descriptor is long. I wonder if these friends are using the receiver’s Florida place, as some Canadians who can afford to, get a place south for winter vacations. We call them “snowbirds”. This is because they mention a lovely note, which may have been on the table waiting for them to arrive.   (No text messages or e...

A Tale of Two Entrepreneurs

By MJ Malleck// Today’s postcard is not written on or sent. A souvenir then. It says, “Land’s End”. It was published in London but printed in the Republic of Ireland. Land’s End is the southernmost tip of England, located in the county of Cornwall. It’s about 1,400 km (870 miles) from the northernmost point of Great Britain. A popular feat is to travel between these two points (from Land’s End to John o’Groats). In Cornish, Land’s End is Pedn-an-Laaz. The postcard features the famous granite cliffs of Land’s End. Two types of granite are found, one coarse with large crystals and one finer with smaller crystals. In the top photograph you can also see the Longship Lighthouse in the distance, about a mile from the mainland on a reef. Our travellers likely ate at The First & Last Inn, which was built in the 1600s one mile from the coast and was a headquarters for smugglers and wreckers. Donkeys with lanterns were walked up and down the cliff-tops to fool ships into coming too clo...

Thanks to your people I'm eating like royalty

by MJ Malleck// You may have noticed that I often find the “Canadian” connection when I am researching these postcards. Today I found a few. This is a card of the Ocean Dunes Motor Inn on 74 th and 75 th Ave North Myrtle Beach South Carolina. “Hi, Enjoyed our trip thanks to your people. The food here is just great. We are eating like kings. The golf courses are just great. Ted has played every day and I go out twice. Club houses and homes something to see. Weather cool but sunny. Getting a good rest and feeling great See you Thanksgiving. L. Ted & Bonnie.” There is no date, but the American Flag stamp (8 cents) is from 1971. And the mention of Thanksgiving makes me think this trip is taking place in September. I found an Ocean Dunes Resort and Villas, and a current photograph that looks almost exactly like this postcard. Now it is called the North Shore Oceanfront Hotel. Daily room rates are from US $69 to $500 for the Penthouse.   I wonder if by CLUB the writer m...

Barbados: Sugar, Rihanna and Poison?

MJ Malleck// This postcard was sent to Owen Sound from Barbados in February, perhaps in 1968. We are enjoying the beautiful weather, hot with a glorious breeze all the time. Have “done” the island pretty well by car, the shops on foot and persuaded the men to take “the ladies” night clubbing occasionally. Pleasant fellow resorters. Went to a service in a little old Methodist Church on Sunday. Have seen the two O.S. nurses who have come down for a year to hospital here. A Bien tot. Grace and Al   The front is “Ruins of an old sugar mill with blooming frangipani tree in foreground” from the beautiful pictorial book “Barbados” by Hans W. Hannau.  The book was published in 1966 and had captions in English, French, German and Spanish.   Grace and Al were at the start of a trend, because in the 1970s Canada was the largest source of tourists to the island. In 1979 for example, about 97,000 Canadians visited. I have not been able to find out about what kind of an exc...