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Showing posts from September, 2022

Azaleas to thank you; weeds in New York City

 by MJ Malleck  Today’s postcard is more of a Thank You card, sent from Owen Sound, Ontario to General Delivery in Kincardine, Ontario. The writer dates it “Thursday” and the postmark is unclear, but stamps in Canada were 8 cents in 1972. Thursday, June 22, 1972, is my guess. Kincardine is a beach town, and cottagers would be there by the end of June, although Lake Huron might not be warm enough to swim in. “Hi. Many thanks for the help on Sunday – what a day! I stayed up on Monday and finally got the oven cleaned. Do you want me to order up your draperies yet? Love. C. “ Owen Sound is north of Kincardine, on Georgian Bay. If the writer “stayed up” somewhere, they perhaps have a cottage north of Owen Sound, perhaps in Tobermory or even further. Their friend would understand the work involved in opening and closing a summer place. Only a fellow cottager would offer to help get a place ready. Does C sew and make drapes for her friends? The illustration on the card are flow...

Ronda: Bullfights, Spanish heat, new Kings

 by MJ Malleck//  San Pedro – July 1 Dear Charlotte: We have just come back from Ronda – out 45 minutes up the mountain – fascinating – but very very hot today – so swim was very welcome. We flew to Madrid & stopped at Toledo and Granada on the way here. Our task here is to plan the new bit of garden. Love Betty See you in August. Some mystery here – what is this planning of a new garden the author speaks of? And who is the other part of the “we,” since only Betty has signed. It could be, that on holiday, Betty and her companion(s) are discussing flowers and gardens to be put in back at home. Or perhaps it’s not a holiday but a paid trip to do some official gardening in Spain. I guess we will never know. The photograph is of a famous landmark, the Arc of Felipe V found on Royal Street in the town of Ronda, in the Spanish province of Malaga. This is part of the Andalusia region of Spain. About 35,000 people now live in Ronda, and it is known for its cliff-side locat...

London 1977: Gentlemen, Photographers and Queens

MJ Malleck// I love the message in today’s postcard, it is addressed to “Betty & Kay,” and it feels a bit like a boast to one’s girlfriends, who you know will be delighted for your good fortune. Se ptember 29, 1977 Dear Girls: Two weeks in London! A gentleman friend to dine and go to the theatre with! (We do share the costs of dinners and most theatres) But it has been fun. To Norway on Sunday. Love Dorothy L. The phrase gentleman friend means suitor, or beau, or male lover. There is a short story by the Anton Chekhov called A Gentleman Friend which you can read here…. Perhaps Dorothy and her “gentleman friend” went to see Jesus Christ Superstar at the Palace Theatre. While many religious groups spoke against the play, especially as like Godspell it did not depict the crucifixion, it seems that Dorothy was a thoroughly modern girl. She pays her own way! So, she may have wanted to see JC...